Sunday, July 15, 2012

An Event An Event Mark Your Calendar for a Foster's Tail Event!!

Today I was in Mukwonago visiting with Susie who owns End of the Leash in both Mukwonago and Pewaukee to see if I could leave some books at her store. She invited A Foster's Tail, complete with a foster dog of my choice to come to their new store for an huge event on Saturday, July 28. 

The event is for Taste of Lake Country and it officially kicks off on Friday night June 27 but A Foster's Tail wont be there until Saturday afternoon at 2:00pm. If you want to visit their link, Taste of Lake Country, to check it all out before handTaste of Lake Country 2012 - It looks like its going to be a really fun time!

If you live near either End of the Leash store in either Pewaukee or Mukwonago, check out their both their store and their blog (updated on Wednesdays) at End of the Leash Blog - The blog has all sorts of good stuff in it. The latest post has some helpful info about housetraining. Who couldn't use help with that??

Watch for more info about the event in upcoming days! 

Are you on Facebook? Our page is A Foster's Tail! Like it! 

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